How to rank your website to drive conversions
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You are obviously seeking answers to drive conversions on your website – aren’t we all!
There are many strategies to improve your ranking, and the big thing to remember is that it takes at least 2 – 3 months before you will start seeing results from any optimisation. The competition is HOT for online shopping and services.
If you are a new website, it pays to remember that your competition has been already been online for many years. Google has created pathways through their “Bots” and keywords that will direct traffic to those pre-existing sites before yours.
Now we have that out of the way, you can begin to attract those bots to your website. You want the Google Bots to be directed to your site instead of your competitors. Just like bringing a baby into the world, your website requires a lot of nurturing and attention for its online presence to grow.
The Top Three
On-Page SEO
Begin with on-page SEO. This is achieved by laying out your internal landing pages properly. If this is getting a bit technical you can outsource this work to a reputable web development company such as Branded Kiwi based right here in Timaru.
Optimised Content
Content is the backbone of a thriving business. On-page SEO is the backbone of content marketing. This involves using specific keyword phrase components that include long-tail anchor words that rank in Google. An attractive keyword is one that has a high search volume and low keyword difficulty. This is a fine art, you need to walk the line on what is interesting to your readers while also attracting the Google bots to review your content. Once again the team at Branded Kiwi are experienced in matching keywords to our client’s websites without keyword stuffing.
Site Speed
Recent studies show that a delay of a single second in page response time can yield a 7% reduction in conversions. We live in a world of instant gratification and the same follows for how fast your page will load. Check out
To find out how fast your website is.